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Performance Tracing

Embrace’s Performance Tracing solution gives you visibility into any app operation you’d like to track, including duration, success rate, and any contextual metadata collected at runtime that helps debug the root cause of your mobile app's performance issues. With our tool, you can quickly spot any bottlenecks in your app’s architecture, pinpoint areas you need to troubleshoot with high precision, and ultimately deliver a truly optimized user experience.

Trace Roots view

The primary page shows all Trace Roots in your app, as well as some summary statistics.

To find specific Traces, the filter can consider:

  • Duration
  • Name
  • Outcome
  • Attributes (Key, then Value)

Trace Summary view

Investigate a specific Trace by clicking on the root. In this Trace Summary view, you'll see a list of all Trace Instances based on your filter conditions. Individual rows can be expanded to preview all the spans in the Trace.


You can filter off the Root properties to find specific Instances. The filter provides the following dimensions:

  • Duration
  • Outcome
  • Attributes (Key, then Value)
  • Instance (a unique identifier for each Span)

Trace Instance view

User Timeline view

Traces appear in both the Timeline View and Timeline Details.

Clicking on "See Details" for any Trace will take you directly the the Trace Instance page, exploring all the spans, events, and attributes for that Trace.


Sessions filter

Boards, Alerts, and Custom Metrics

Slow Traces

With the Slow Traces feature, you can identify performance bottlenecks and prioritize your optimization efforts. Slow Traces are trace instances with both significant occurrences (100 over the last two days) and durations surpassing the 95th percentile of successful traces bearing the same name. You can get the slow traces on the issues page.


Once you click on a slow trace, you can see specific instances of that trace.


You can also see those instances if you add the filter type = slow to see the on the performance traces tab.